Sunday, October 9, 2011

Watch Footloose Megavideo

The main purpose of I have nothing. , I did not think to see the day where I really try between the idol Zac Efron-), because of his snake hips really gives me the creeps, instead of sending me to oestragen-driven frenzy of madness, and B) because eyebrows moving at a speed of 50knots Fri chassis that is both disturbing and reckless action technique. Mr. Efron was ready to slip into some cowboy boots and kick some 'dust Bomonti, then abandoned. Chace Crawford stepped up to the mark, then abandoned. I'm not even a fan of the squinty-eyed doll Ken Crawford, but the two hours of Kenny Wormald as Ren McCormack, I salivated over by Efron, OR Crawford grateful joy.

For those of you who are not fans of the dance film, Kenny Ortega was the mastermind of the director of This Is It and High School Musical franchise. Certainly not the best movies ever made, but just the ticket for a remake of Footloose, right? Apparently not. Craig Brewer have in place. Famous for ... Black Snake Moan eh,. Well how was your experience as relevant to re-create a dance film most beloved of all time, I'm not sure. After seeing her dance debut in the movies, I stay, stoically, with Ortega's team.

Last but not least. Point. Call me old fashioned, but I like to think that if a classic remake, you have a reason to do so. It adds a little here, a little out of Lop there network is relevant to modern audiences or add a beautiful new vision to renovate and upgrade the concept of aging. I was secretly hoping that 2011 would be a more Footloose "musical". What a wonderful way to give new life to the movie, I thought, in a post-high school musical, Hairspray post-post-post-Chicago and Todd Sweeney ... where we are open to the idea of ​​someone bursting into song on the screen or very little apparent reason. This is a stage musical Footloose, and is not bad, most everyone knows the songs (Holding for a hero is the "big ol Belter) - we can all have a joyful singalong! Unfortunately Brewer was not much of a genius like me. Instead, Footloose was dragged kicking and screaming, about 80 years and in modern times.

The real changes were so far and few between that I had a strange sense of deja vu in most movies ... but it was basically sexed-up, health and safety'd there, and gave a generous nod to ethnic minorities. Oh, and injected a little bad-ass hip-hop, that stank up the stage trying imitation (which, to be honest, it's not something you really want to be imitated).
The main functions of Ren and Ariel have been lavished on the show Dancing with the Stars professional Julianne Hough, Kenny Wormald, and unknown dancer. The only sensible thing to do with two people with incredible talent of dance to make them dance, but common sense has been missing in this production team. To be fair, Hough did a decent job and a half, offering scenes of abuse with a sparkle and a touch harsh, but unfortunately 2011 Ariel is more of a pouting princess to a rebel wild child, who prefers to whip lid and correction of people parking cars to jump in the middle of the road and rough and fall as one of the boys. If you liked the old Ariel, I hate the new Ariel. Wormald made his way through the entire scene that is not based on his enormous talent of dance, showing about as much charisma as a wooden spoon. Good action for a secondary production, but not exactly Kevin Bacon. Ren McCormack Wormald is unlikely to propel him to fame in the short term.

Beacon of light in this production is quite painful shoulder like Ren Miles Willard Teller comedy. Inside Sewer redneck in overalls and Stetson galore, Teller, to be funny from beginning to end. Modesto, but never overshadowed, and squeeze the last to choose a comic script rather sterile, Teller did for me two hours to put up with bitterness, frustration, Stetson will take away that wonderful man.

Footloose really scraping the bottom of the barrel. It 'a big, heartless money is a film with a huge fan base. If you liked the original, was not affected by this. If you do not like the original, I hate this. If you are nine years and having to sleep too much to get excited about the first 45 minutes, then fall asleep when the Sugar Rush off.

Dennis Quaid and Andie MacDowell bring the Hollywood factor, and turned a decent performance, but in supporting roles, and the relatively affected, it is not much we can do to save this sinking ship.

Dir: Craig Brewer
Starring: Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough, Dennis Quaid and Andie MacDowell
This is what I wanted from the new version of Footloose:
1. Zac Efron
2. Kenny Ortega
A third point

1 comment:

  1. City kid Ren MacCormack moves to a small town where rock 'n' roll and dancing have been banned, and his rebellious spirit shakes up the populace. to Watch Footloose Online Free Without Any Survey.

    Watch Footloose Online
